Friday night was the Opening for The Virgin Knitters by Kimberly Hall. We had a great turnout thanks to the wonderful participants, Fire Island Beer drinkers, and Radio Jarocho dancers.

The Virgin Knitters is a beautifully subtle and visually minimal show. And, of course, what attracted us to Kimberly Hall’s proposal was the concept. For an arts education center focused on textiles and craft, this was a fantastic combination of educating the public while forcing the audience to think more about the creative crafting process, or making anything by hand. What do we give of ourselves into these objects, and then what happens when we give them away?

Each scarf hangs from a hook, with a Silent Auction sheet, pen, and close to a full length mirror. We are asked to try them on, read about the creator, and “bid” on our favorites. The winners are chosen by Kimberly as the most deserving of the “luck charm”.

One of the favorites was this tiny doll scarf made by an impatient 4-year-old:

If you didn’t make it for the Opening, the show will be up through December 11. And in the month you can expect plenty of “knitting” posts. Join us for Sabrina Gschwandtner’s lecture on “Knitting Now”, this Thursday November 11, at 7PM. RSVP at

And for all the intermediate knitters out there who want to get past their “virgin scarf”, there is still room in our Seamless Sweaters class beginning Nov. 17, 6PM.